Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Lou Dobbs leaves Ship of Fools

Yay, Lou Dobbs quits CNN. I've been appreciating his sensible comments for some time now and figured he didn't belong there. Terrific to see he's moving on, I hope someplace where his common sense will be more appreciated. I also hope there are more like him out there who are going to be abandoning the ship of fools for the firm ground of rationality.

Nov. 20 update. He says he may become a political candidate. Interesting. I don't know enough about him at this point to know whether I'd support him or not, but I have been liking what I've been hearing from him for some time now.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Fort Hood Shootings

My very first thought at seeing the headline about the shooting at the army base was to wonder if the shooter was a Muslim. Well, turns out he has an Arab name and was getting interested in suicide bombings and that sort of thing.

Of course CAIR is asking us not to jump to conclusions since the man has an Arab name. How about the fact that he was attracted to the idea of suicide bombings? Can we jump to some reasonable conclusions from that PLUS his Arab name?

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

How did THEN and THAN get mixed up?

How on earth did this particular error get started anyway? It is so jarring to read that such and such is more or less THEN something else. The word is THAN, people.

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THEN refers to TIME -- something happened and THEN something else happened.

Maybe this will help:


THEN is about WHEN.

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THAN, on the other hand, is the word for making comparisons -- something is more THAN something else, or less than or better than or worse than, etc.

The internet spreads this kind of mistake like a virus.
