Monday, June 1, 2009

Susan Boyle

November 13 update. Well, the people promoting her have done a good job of supporting her through her bad patch, she's been eased into more public performances, recorded an album soon to be released, one song I've heard from it making it clear her beautiful voice is holding up just fine, got herself made over in some basic ways that improve her appearance tremendously, and seems to be well on her way to the career she's always wanted. I wish her success and happiness.

June 10 I'm one of those who is fascinated with Susan Boyle. I can't really explain it. Everybody's been explaining it but none of it suffices it seems to me. There's an amazing amount of interest in her that just keeps going on and on. I also keep checking in to find out the latest news -- and I don't really know why I do. At the You Tube video that's racked up the biggest number of views of her first performance a little group of fans has collected and I go there to see what they're saying. In the last few days I seem to be losing interest though. Maybe some time I'll figure it all out and say more.

It occurred to me briefly after watching Susan Boyle's final performance on BGT that she might be vulnerable to a nervous breakdown. I hoped not and let the thought pass. But today we're hearing that may very well have happened to her.

She's clearly a vulnerable personality, innocent of the world, and here the world has fallen on her almost literally, all six billion of us or whatever it is now. Her resolute dedication to keeping an upbeat attitude and a generous spirit toward others started to sound brittle and forced lately, after all the media attention of a sometimes very cruel kind. When I think about the unfamiliar and unwelcome thoughts that must have assaulted her over the last days and weeks I'm not surprised if her mind began to unravel. The only real protection against that sort of thing is faith in Jesus Christ but there is no sign that she believes the gospel. Many times in the last twenty years I could have unraveled out to jibbering sputtering incoherence under pressures in my own life if I hadn't had the Lord to cling to.

I didn't want to pray for her to win; it just doesn't seem right to pray that way, but I pray now for her recovery and for people to rally around her to shield and support her, and, yes, that the Lord would reveal Himself to her.

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