Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Another Susan Boyle moment on Britain's Got Talent

Love these Cinderella type stories, or in this case perhaps "Frog Prince type stories" would be more appropriate. Here's the one of Jonathan Antoine and Charlotte Jaconelli.

She's good but he's great, and you'd never have guessed it, and just as what happened with Susan Boyle, nobody did suspect any greatness at first, everybody groaning when they come out on stage, and Simon Cowell saying to the judge next to him, "just when you thought it couldn't get worse."

You see faces in the audience dying of embarrassment for them, until they start singing and then they are "gobsmacked" -- to use Susan Boyle's expression -- and beside themselves with admiration.

And it's always a joy to see Simon Cowell be impressed with a contestant, especially when he'd expected something dreadful instead.

Love this stuff.

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