Friday, October 5, 2012

Videos of touching rescues of abused and abandoned dogs

I'm a cat person, not very familiar with dogs and never interested in having one as a pet, but someone sent me this touching story of the rescue of a couple of abandoned dogs trying to survive in a park in Southern California, and I fell in love with the dogs and got hooked on this rescue operation, Hope for Paws.  I then watched other videos they'd put up on the web, mostly done by this one guy named Eldad Hagar who runs Hope for Paws with his wife Audrey.  Awfully touching stories.  I have certain videos I like to watch to settle me in the midst of irritating or disturbing experiences, such as a grueling battle in my blogging life for instance, and these have now joined the list for their happy endings. 

This is the first one I saw, The rescue of Sky and Apollo:
(Blogger has new formatting which is driving me crazy.  Getting the links to reduce to their titles is impossible for me so I'm leaving them in code)

This one is the rescue of blind Fiona, which is one of two I watch most frequently for its feel-good ending, the story of Edie being the other:

This one is about Chase, a little abused dog that had been brought to the shelter that they were going to put down because she was so vicious.  It's shorter than the others.

This is about Edie, a terrified little dog that would also have been euthanized if she hadn't been rescued:

And here's the happy ending for Edie as she is adopted and turns out to be a delightful, pretty, obedient pet:

Story after story shows pathetically miserable, hungry, injured, flea-infested and mange-ridden, frightened, abused, neglected dogs that at first hit you as probably unredeemable, but patience and affection, food and medical care bring all of them around and transform them into great pets.  It's SO touching.

This is Eldad Hagar's You Tube channel.  
There are many other rescue stories at this link.

Don't know why I seem to have chosen only stories of little white fluffy dogs but that's what they are.  There are plenty of other stories of big dogs, brown dogs, etc. etc., all touching stories.  (Some of them were so cruelly abused it's too sad to post their stories even though they too have somewhat happy endings -- sometines the scars from the abuse can't be completely erased.)

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